
Tuesday 28 October 2014


In America we have the greatest chance for opportunity than anyone else in the past six and a half thousand years. Never in recorded history have so many different gifts been brought from all over the world and deposited in one country.

Debate refines a good idea. That's why we have two major parties in Congress. Somebody says, "I have a great idea for the country." We say, "Wonderful. Put it on the table. Let's debate." And we start the debate by questioning the guy who has this great idea. After the third question he says, "I withdraw my great idea. I forgot about those three questions."

Succeeding in America is easy! That's why everyone wants to come here. People haven't plotted and schemed for the last fifty years saying, "If I could just get to Poland everything would be okay."

Tyranny knows no restraint of appetite.

"The Treasury of Quotes" by Jim Rohn.

Thursday 23 October 2014

The best legacy

There are three things to leave behind: your photographs, your library, and your personal journals. These things are certainly going to be more valuable to future generations than your furniture!

The word "tip" stands for "to insure promptness." So when should you give it? Up front, of course. Sophisticated people don't take chances on poor service, they insure good service.

Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hand, but not you.

"The Treasury of Quotes" by Jim Rohn.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Work on your plan

I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they do their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change.

If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.

We all need lots of powerful long-range goals to help us past the short-term obstacles.

We must be careful not to let our current appetites steal away any chance we might have for a future feast.

We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.

"The Treasury of Quotes" by Jim Rohn.

Friday 10 October 2014


"The more clearly someone sees the future the more confidently they work in the present."

"Dare to Dream Work to Win" by Dr. Tom Barrett.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Growing their business...

"...don't assume that people understand the most basic aspect of growing their business."

"Dare to Dream Work to Win" by Dr. Tom Barrett.

Monday 6 October 2014

Harvest Time

The greatest form of maturity is at harvest time. That is when we must learn how to reap without complaint if the amounts are small and how to reap without apology if the amounts are big.

My goal is to translate response into results. Some teachers teach for others to learn. That's not me. Some teachers teach for others to accomplish. That is me.

Life asks us to make measurable progress in reasonable time. That's why they make those fourth grade chairs so small.

Success is the study of the obvious. Everyone should take Obvious 1 and Obvious 2 in school.

I found it easier to get rich than I did to make excuses.

"The Treasury of Quotes" by Jim Rohn.

Thursday 2 October 2014



“It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.”
— Robert H. Schuller

“Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.”
— Napoleon Hill

“Wealth is built... one thought at a time...”
— Doug Firebaugh

“Think continually about the things you really want, and refuse to think about the things you don't want.”
— Brian Tracy

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Nourish the mind

Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book.

The great gift of the human imagination is that it has no limits or ending.

Nourish the mind like you would your body. The mind cannot survive on junk food.

Everything you need for your better future and success has already been written. And guess what? It's all available. All you have to do is go to the library. But guess what? Only three percent of the people in America have a library card. Wow, they must be expensive! No, they're free. Probably in every neighborhood. Three percent!

Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is poverty. Ignorance is devastation. Ignorance is tragedy. Ignorance is illness. It all stems from ignorance.

"The Treasury of Quotes" by Jim Rohn.